Our response effort would not have been possible without the partnership of the generous friends and supporters we are so proud to recognize below. Thank you for mobilizing with us to support our OppNet Fellows.
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Daniel Craig* and Rachel Weisz*
The Permira Foundation
$25,000 -$49,999
Deloitte Foundation
Sarah and Dan O'Keefe*
Robin Hood Foundation
Jessica and Eric Wei+
$10,000 - $24,999
Jessica and Todd Aaron
Aquiline Capital Partners
Blackstone Charitable Foundation
Michael and Jennifer Davis*
Gen Next Foundation, NY Neighbor 2020 Initiative
Debbie and Peter Gyenes
The Heckscher Foundation for Children
Macquarie Group Foundation
Bharat and Ferha Sahgal*
Shippy Foundation
Solon E. Summerfield Foundation, Inc.
$5,000 - $9,999
Jennifer and Sean Cohan*
Timothy Fazio
Leo and Jaclyn Greenberg+
Industrial Development Funding, LLC/Nik Nunes*
Ali Namvar
News Corp
Rochdale Jet Privé
Oliver Wiener+
$1,000 - $4,999
Ronni and Michael Arnold
Jeff Birnbaum
Peter and Curry Cozzi
Priya Dogra*
John Donnelly
Andy and Lynne Elcik
Joshua Elkin
Susan and Chip Fisher
Rajib Guha
Sara and Scott Harris
Tom Kusner
Danielle Ledford§
Justine and Craig Lee
Blaine Lourd
Bremond and Michael MacDougall
The Perlmutter Family Foundation
Joseph and Roberta Rotberg
James and Nicky Rothschild
Jarret Slepian
Elaine A. Smith
Teresa and Pat Sullivan
Up to $999
Anonymous (3)
Kenny Anderson
Jeffrey Bigner
Christopher Brancati
Brand Assembly
Steve Buffone
Molly and Douglas Dell'Omo
Stephen Dietsch
Zach Dinte
Ashley Everett
William Frazier
Andrew Goodman
Hannah Gunther
Michael Gardner Hanson
Elisheva Jasie
Ariana Knue
Carly Knue
Daria R Licausi
Leandra Lipat
Taran Lucker
Richard A Miller
Sharae Moultrie
Megan Nestor and Ian Candy
New York Junior League
Daniel Nissani
Diane ONeill
Matt Price
Jo Reinhold
Tiana Sahadeo
Roger Saks
Amanda Smith
Rosanna Tapang
Philip Traversa
John D. Willliams Jr.
Jamie Yu
*Board of Directors
§Associate Board of Directors
+Month of Opportunity Committee
List as of August 26, 2020.