COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Updates

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April 15, 2020

Dear OppNet Fellows and Families,

We hope that this email finds you well.

To follow the lead of the NYC Department of Education, OppNet programming will remain virtual through the remainder of the school year. This past Saturday, April 11th, Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza made the decision to keep NYC public school buildings closed through June. This decision was made in consultation with public health experts and educators, and OppNet will do its part to support the efforts to control the transmission of COVID-19.

We have enjoyed engaging virtually with our Fellows over the last few weeks, and appreciate the flexibility, creativity, and care that our Fellows and staff have demonstrated during this time. OppNet will continue to host virtual weekly workshops alongside providing individual support to Fellows (for summer opportunities, wellness support, college decisions, and more) and launching ideas for community engagement that Fellows have shared with us.

We will continue to update our COVID-19 resources webpage. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need support.

March 17, 2020

Message to 12th Graders:
Hello Fellows!
We are following up to make sure that everyone received the updates from the NYC Department of Education outlining the plan for the next month or so. If your family did not receive the information in your first language, please visit this website for translations of the DOE Announcements in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.
At OppNet, we always encourage you all to prioritize your health and wellness, your family, and school above all else. As such, we are going to give you all some time this week to hear from your high school about how you will continue to engage in school and your routines, even if they are changing for the time-being. Later this week, we will be checking in to make sure that you and your family has what you need during this transition. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, we remain here for you throughout the college decision process. We are actively reaching out to colleges to learn what they are doing in response to COVID-19 to ensure we provide you the best support possible. We remain available to talk through your award letters, and will have a menu of college transition workshops and resources for you soon. Career Success remains committed to supporting you in finding meaningful summer opportunities and will continue to reach out to you directly.
OppNet will not have in-house programming through April 20, to follow DOE guidance, but we will be supporting you all via phone and internet throughout this time.
Be well,
CGT & Career Success
Message to 11th Graders:
Hi Class of 2025,
We are following up to make sure that everyone received the updates from the NYC Department of Education outlining the plan for the next month or so. If your family did not receive the information in your first language, please visit this website for translations of the DOE Announcements in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.
At OppNet, we always encourage you all to prioritize your health and wellness, your family, and school above all else. As such, we are going to give you all some time this week to hear from your high school about how you will continue to engage in school and your routines, even if they are changing for the time-being. Later this week, we will be checking in to make sure that you and your family has what you need during this transition. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, the Career Success Team knows that many of you are concerned about your summer opportunities. OppNet remains committed to your participation in a meaningful summer opportunity. At this time, we are asking Fellows to continue to complete and/or submit their applications for summer opportunities on time per their nomination email. If you haven't received a nomination yet, that's okay. Please continue to wait patiently as there is new information being shared each day which greatly impacts summer programming and summer opportunities.
OppNet will not have in-house programming through April 20, to follow DOE guidance, but we will be supporting you all via phone and internet throughout this time.
Be well,
11th Grade Team & Career Success

March 11, 2020

Community Statement from President and CEO, AiLun Ku: By now, you should have already heard from OppNet teammates regarding our decision to suspend in-person programming until the end of March. While we are not sure how the state of COVID-19 will evolve in April, we are optimistically, patiently, and cautiously doing our part as global citizens to stop the spread. OppNet’s daily operations are moving to virtual, which means you’ll still be able to have remote access to us during this period of time. We realize this isn’t ideal for those of us that look forward to sharing space with OppNet staff and Fellows on a daily- or weekly-basis. But we know many of you live in multi-generational households and we assume some of you and your loved ones have underlying illnesses that make COVID-19 especially dangerous. Sometimes responsible and caring decisions are tough and inconvenient but I know we are strong enough as a community to push through together. In this community statement, I have an ask and an invitation: My ask: This is the time we look out for each other. Anti-Asian and specifically, anti-Chinese sentiments are on the rise since the spread of COVID-19. This means all forms of xenophobia, divisiveness, and racism are being nourished by fear. But the power of community will overcome when we check-in on each other and get each other’s backs. I know I have felt it at every level of OppNet, from alumni and Fellows to staff, Associate Board members and Board members, and peer organizational partners. How lucky are we to have each other? I feel a deep sense of gratitude for you. My invitation: One way to stave off anxiety during times of ambiguity is to seize control where we can and find joy. In the coming days, look out for an invitation where the OppNet team will solicit creative ideas to bring OppNet to “the cloud.” How do you want to engage with us virtually? How can we have fun and learn together in new ways? How might we fortify our human connectedness through screens and devices? I am certain you all have the answers we have been searching for. Until you hear from us again, please wash your hands with soap thoroughly for at least 20 seconds every time, practice social distancing (standing or sitting at least 6 feet apart from the other people), and self-quarantine if you have any symptoms of illness until you are free of all symptoms for at least 24-hours. I feel enormously fortunate that OppNet has the option and the privilege to go virtual at this time. With this privilege comes a responsibility and an opportunity to pause “business as usual” and to innovate. I can’t wait to hear what you come up with.

March 10, 2020

We wanted to share an important update with you all that the Opportunity Network has made the decision to postpone/cancel programming for the rest of March (from 3/10 through 3/31). This includes weekly test prep (ACT and SAT) classes; 12th grade weekly classes; and 11th grade weekly classes. This decision was made in an attempt to do our part to cut down on the amount of time people in our community are traveling on public transportation and to allow students to have their focus be more completely on school and family during this time of added concern in New York City. Our motivation is always the safety and well-being of you all. We will work to reschedule much of what is missed so that students still have access to the opportunities they are excited for. We hope to share updated information for April and May very soon. In the meantime, stay tuned for updates from the College Guidance Team and the 11th Grade Team who will share more about how Fellows can stay connected during these next few weeks. Fellows: much of this connection will happen via computer. If you do not have a computer at home, you are welcome to come by the OppNet office today, Wednesday, or Thursday after school to pick one up to borrow for the rest of the month. You need to pick it up by 6p on any of these nights. We want to provide a NYC guide for Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks. We encourage you all to be aware of stress related feelings that may be coming up for you and to utilize strategies to take care of your body (eating healthy, sleeping, connecting with loved ones, avoiding excessive media coverage, etc.). If any OppNet Fellow or family member would like to chat on the phone about stress relief or find additional resources with our Assistant Director of Wellness, Carl Jackman, please respond to him directly at carl@opportunitynetwork.org. The OppNet staff will continue to be working in March, so please do not hesitate to reach out to ANY staff person by phone or email.

March 5, 2020

The Opportunity Network team is closely monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as from state and local officials. We know that your schools have been in touch with you all as well with NYCDOE updates, which we have also been following.

As of today the COVID-19 virus is not currently spreading in the community. On the CDC website, the current assessment is: “For the general American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to this virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low.” Global efforts to combat the virus are underway, including coordination between public health agencies at all levels, community preparation, and research to develop new treatment options.

Public health experts do expect that person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 is likely, and OppNet wants to make sure that we can minimize this possible transmission as much as possible. We will continue to monitor the situation and share any programming-related updates with you all if needed. In the event that we need to cancel programming, we will communicate by email and text message, as well as post all updates on this page.


In the meantime, OppNet is taking the following actions:

  • We have a contingency plan for alerting staff and students in the event that we need to cancel or change programming
  • We are doing office and classroom cleans with antibacterial wipes and are in active communication with our building's management company
  • We are having all students wash their hands upon arrival to our space ahead of class and have hand sanitizer around our classroom and office spaces
  • We are suspending any activities that would include physical contact and asking staff and Fellows to refrain from handshakes, high fives, fist bumps, etc. at this time.
  • We are encouraging Fellows and families to connect with Carl Jackman, our Assistant Director of Wellness Support (carl@oppnet.org), if there are additional needs for resources or assistance in developing strategies for healthy well-being.

We are also following the guidance from public health experts to go about daily life but while taking precautions that are good to do during any cold and flu season. Please use this guidance as well:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, like cell phones
  • Get your flu shot (it is not too late)
  • Stay home if you are feeling sick, particularly if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. As always, email 11thgradefellows@oppnet.org or cgt@oppnet.org or your checker-inner depending on what programming you might miss due to these, or other, symptoms.

Now and always we continue to prioritize the health and wellness of everyone in our OppNet community.  Please take care of yourself and let us know if you have any questions.