
Month of Opportunity Virtual Celebration

September 2020


Each year, The Opportunity Network’s annual Night of Opportunity Gala honors the achievements of OppNet students and industry leaders who have committed to expanding inclusion, opportunity, and access in critical ways.

While COVID-19 has disrupted our ability to gather 1,000 friends and supporters together at Cipriani Wall Street as we normally do each year, it has not disrupted OppNet’s commitment to our students, our impact, and our growth ahead, and the impact our partners have on our work.

We are thrilled to convert our annual Night of Opportunity Gala into a Month of Opportunity, a dynamic virtual celebration taking place throughout September 2020 that will help sustain the organization’s critical work, directly underwriting our efforts to ensure that young people from underrepresented backgrounds have equal access to educational and professional opportunities.

Our Month of Opportunity will feature videos from our students; Gala Co-Chairs Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz, Actors and OppNet Board Members, and Michael Rees, Managing Director and Head of Dyal Capital Partners and OppNet Board Member; and OppNet leadership.

All support to OppNet’s Month of Opportunity will be fully tax-deductible and you can donate or help to sponsor this celebration here.

For questions or more information about our virtual Month of Opportunity Gala, please contact [email protected] or 917-258-3445.

Click here to see our invitation.

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